Thursday, May 20, 2010

Auto's on the MEND!!

Yeah! Auto is one tough cookie! She is finally on the mend!! As of today she can bend her knee to a 90 degree angle! Whew hoo! She is still non-weight bearing. So she is on crutches, but she is mobile! I don't have to help her up and down or around the house. She is doing great! She has physical therapy 3 times a week. Her Physical Therapist's name is Jane. Autumn loves her! She is great! We will go back up to Salt Lake June 1st to get the stitches out. After that Autumn can go in the physical therapy pool!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


I would like to start by saying THANK YOU!!! We so appreciate all the prayers, the special fast, and the concern for Autumn. Today is the first step in the right direction!

Autumn had surgery Monday at 12:45. It took just over two hours. Apparently they had a very difficult time getting her to sleep and then keeping her asleep. After the surgery the doctor came out to give his report. Everything went well. They took the graph from her right leg. Which was a huge relief. They made a 6 inch incision on the outside of her leg. And harvested a large graff. During the surgery they realized they needed more. So they went up closer to her hip and took about a 3 inch graff there as well. They then reconstructed the ACL and part of the MCL, along with the meniscus. They fastened it with lots of sutures and staples. The doctor explained this was a very difficult surgery and she would be in a lot of pain.

Autumn then spent 3 hours in recovery. They had said she would spend maybe 45 minutes. It took this long to get her comfortable. Autumn remembers all of recovery. She thought the nurses in there were mean because she was crying so hard and they did nothing.(they had given her as much pain meds as they could.) Anyhow after three hours she returned to us in her room with a morphine pump. She could push the button every 10 minutes and it would dispense morphine right through her IV.
This helped a little with the pain. Along with morphine they gave her a muscle relaxer to help with the muscle spasms. Ibuprofen to help with inflammation. Zofran which is an anti anxiety. And percocet for pain. When she had all this on board she slept like a rock!

However.... be for long Auto starting throwing up! This lasted until this morning. Wednesday morning. So in the mean time they took her off everything except Motrin and zofran. Needless to the pain has been very intense at times.

She is finally feeling better this am. We are going to see if she can keep all of her food down today. If so we will be coming home tomorrow! YEAH!!

She will start physical therapy in about 1 week!

This is where Auto's Doctor (Dr Steven K. Aoki) gave her his autograph prior to surgery!

This is Auto's Armband with her name birth date and other important info!

The "A-Team"

Autumn wrapped up in her "H.A.M." blanket. This was a blanket made by Auto's BFF's. Haleigh and McKenna. I call them the "three musketeers!" Or we can call them H.A.M. Haleigh Auto McKenna.

This was taken about 2 minutes before Autumn went in to the OR. This is in a "holding room" right outside the OR doors. This was a VERY emotional part for our family.

This was taken right when Autumn got back to her room right after surgery.

This is before the sickness set in... This is when Autumn called Haleigh. Haleigh was so cute. She told Autumn "you have to call me back, cuz I have to go to school and I still have 100 questions still to ask you!"

Auto's First Physical therapy session. She had to crutch from the bed to the door with her leg that feels like 100lbs!

This is a brief view of Shriners

This is the nurses station right outside Auto's room door.

This is half of Auto's room. They can put 4 kids in this room. So far we have only had 3. And one left yesterday. So if you take this image and flip it. You have the whole ROOM! Auto's bed is on the right. Unmade and empty! She has a window view! We woke up this morning to snow. Lots and lots of white pretty cold snow!

This is as you walk into Auto's room.

Shriners has a huge playroom for all the kids. The kids along with their family can play in it. They have games, play gyms, basketball hoop, tv, ping-pong, etc. Also it is great to wheel Auto into. She can watch the other kids and it takes her mind off of herself for a bit. This is where Austin, Mike and Michelle spent all of their time.

Shriners is an amazing place. The doctors, nurses, physical therapist, Child Life Development, EVERYONE. They are all amazing. I am sure they have a special place reserved for them in heaven. Shriners is the one of the most humbling place ever. You come here and observe children with all kinds of disabilities. From No arms and one leg, to living on a halo, to having the head the size of a 1 year old and a body the normal size of a 5 year old. I am so grateful that we only have the trials we have. I am so thankful for my healthy family!

This was the view this morning from Autumn's window!

Here is Auto this morning! Her color is back! Her lips are pink! She is on her way to a speedy recovery!

These are the doors to the dreaded OR!

Once again thank you so much for the prayers, concern, phone calls, and fasting. Without wonder friends and family trials like this would be impossible.

"If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul"--Harold Kushner

Sunday, September 6, 2009


We took the kids to Paragonah Res. for Labor Day. We went up Sunday Morning and stayed until Monday afternoon! It was so much fun. The weather was a whopping 76 degrees and the nights cooled off to the low 40's. What a treat! My parents use to have a cabin here, but they sold it years ago. Its a really neat out of the way place. For a holiday weekend, there was us and one other family.

Fishing was the Highlight of the trip! Autumn was so patient! Keith and I commented on how patient she was. The other kids would cast and reel, cast and reel. Auto just sat and waited!

Austin was the first to catch a fish! And a nice one at that! That got the juices flowing for everyone else! Crawdads(spelling??) was another hit for the boys. They caught a bunch of good size ones. They wanted to eat them but..... Mom doesn't know how to cook THAT!?!?!

Then there was the cleaning of the fish! EEEEWWW! GROSS! Austin and Tanner thought that was great! Keith was very very patient and taught Austin exactly how to do it with Austin's new pocket knife!

All in all is was a great trip!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Austin got braces today! The colors he decided were Pink and Black. Ha ha! Thats Aus. Straight teeth here we come! Before, waiting, and after!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Lake Powell

We are taking all the kids to lake powell in September. So Keith and I snuck away early and found a great place to camp. We fished and enjoyed the sights. ITS BEAUTIFUL!! Thanks Jud. He is the one who introduced us to LAKE POWELL!
For lunch we BBQ on a grill we bought last year. Keith used his "handyman" skills and put it together for us!